January 6thPresentation: Setting Goals to Achieve
Speakers: Kate Courtright and Kathy Strobos |
February 3RDPresentation: Amazon Ads
Speaker: TBA |
March 2NDPresentation: Using Kobo
Speaker: Jean Joachim |
April 6THPresentation: Writing Outside the Box: Writing the Diverse Character/Not the Stereotype
Speaker: Ursula Renee |
May 4thPresentation: Cover Design & Blurbs
Speaker: Sevannah Storm |
June 1STMembers Only Brunch
July 13thPresentation: Research Your Book
Speaker: Faith L. Justice, Loretta Goldberg, Stephanie Cowell |
August 3RDPresentation: Goal, Motivation & Conflict
Speaker: Kathy L Wheeler |
September 7thPresentation: Idea Exchange
October 5thPresentation: Screen Writing
Speaker: Michael Molloy |
November 2NDPresentation: Using Show Don't Tell to Sharpen Your Novel
Speaker: Elana Gibson |
December 7THHoliday Brunch (Members Only)